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My Writing Eden

Sep 2, 2018
Final Resting Place: Ship Harbour, Nova Scotia
David and I and Mr. Pumpkin In 2012, David and I went to Nova Scotia to visit Ship Harbour where my ancestor Michael Eisan lived his...

Aug 23, 2018
The American Revolution in South Carolina
In 2012, my husband David and I went to South Carolina to see where Michael Greissen Frein and the Palatines ended up. They were sent...

Aug 15, 2018
A Case of Crowd-Funding, 1764
As I mentioned in my blog last week, my ancestor Michael left his home in the Palatine in 1764 on his way to the New World. Along with...

Aug 9, 2018
The first thing we know for sure about Michael is that he joined an emigration scheme in 1763. A man with the improbable name of Count...

Feb 28, 2017
The Siege of Ninety Six
In the book The Loyalists at Kings Mountain, it is written that Michael Isham “evacuated Fort Ninety Six with Lt. Col. John H....

Feb 27, 2017
A Civil Battle at King’s Mountain
In many ways the American Revolution was as much a civil war as a revolution. Not every colonist took up arms against the British; many...

Feb 20, 2017
Crowd-funding in 1764 London
In the years following the Seven Years’ War (1754-1763), tens of thousands of Germans left for the New World to improve their worldly...

Feb 14, 2017
A Trip down the Rhine
Michael Eisan was born Michael Greissen Frein in the Palatine region of Germany (Pfalz) sometime around 1730, exactly where or when we do...
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