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Book Launch

I’m waiting patiently for copies of my new novel House of Crows to arrive with a growing sense of excitement.

But what to do about a book launch?

In these days of Covid uncertainty, in-person groups are discouraged and a little bit frightening. So we turn to technology. I’ve researched options and thought about this a lot. I’ve attended a couple of Zoom book launches and thought they went well, so that’s the way I’m going to go.

For now, the date is Sunday, July 26, probably 3:00 PDT. I’d like to say that with greater certainty, but before I can, I must (a) receive my books, (b) purchase a Zoom webinar account, and (c) figure out how it works. As soon as I know the date and time for sure, I will let you know.

This Zoom launch will be a joint book launch with my fellow-writer Vanessa Winn. Her first book The Chief Factor’s Daughter was about one of the daughters of Hudson Bay employee John Work. The second book which she is launching Trappings is about another one of Work’s daughters.

What our two books have in common, besides being historical fiction set in nineteenth century Victoria, is the setting of Point Ellice House where we were planning to have our book launch back in June. Instead, we have made videotapes of ourselves reading from our novels at that site. I hope to be able to show them during the book launch so that you can all be there virtually.

And I hope you will be. Please mark the date on your calendar.

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