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Days 2 & 3, the South

Day 2, we played tourists in beautiful Savannah, Georgia.

Today we were back on the tail of Michael Eisan in South Carolina.

At the little town of Edgefield, which is in the part of South Carolina that he had his property, we found some wonderful information. In the little library, we found his name on the Loyalists’ Official Rolls for the Ninety Six Brigade, once spelled Michael Isom and again Michael Isham. Then next door at the Edgefield Genealogical Society office, we found more information and bought a book called “The Palatines of Londonborough.” There we saw a sketch of the surveyed property of Michael on Log Creek, a tributary of Stephen’s Creek.

Then we went for a walk in Stephen Creek Heritage Preserve where the land is pretty much as it must have been in Michael Eisan’s time. It was great to experience it ourselves. We almost stepped on a 2-foot long black snake, a sobering experience. And we almost got lost on the poorly-marked path. But we survived, and are staying in a Quality Inn in Greenwood tonight. Tomorrow, we will visit the National Historic Site of Ninety Six, where Michael fought.

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