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First Prize!

Writers hate to brag and I’m no exception; on the other hand, when you have great news you want to share it!

I just got first place in Victoria Writers’ Society Annual Contest for short story writing. The prize is a much-needed $300. Writing is an expensive hobby. Book sales seldom add up to the amount the author has spent on an editor, a graphic artist for the cover, etc. Unless you’re lucky enough to find a publisher, that is. For that, you need to write really edgy stuff, and I don’t.

The short story that won the competition is called “Menage a Trois”. (Sorry about the lack of accents on the words, but I don’t know how to do a French keyboard on this site.) It is, as the title suggests, the story of two women and a man who live together in Quebec City in the 1980s. You can read this story in Island Writer when it is published this December. Once it is in print, I will add it to my pages on this website under “Journeys to other places: short stories”.

As an embarrassing aside, I’ll mention the fact that I’m President of Victoria Writers’ Society, but the short story was chosen in a blind test. The judge had no idea that I was the author.

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