Fall is here and for me, even though I’m not a teacher or a student anymore, it feels like a time for new beginnings.
With great excitement, I’m looking forward to NaNoWriMo in November. [That’s (Inter)National Novel Writing Month.] To prepare, I’ve signed up form a NaNoWriMo boot camp at Uvic that starts in October. The writer in me is tingling with anticipation.
But in the meantime, I’m trying to edit and reedit my last novel to get it ready to send out to publishers. Slogging work.
And even less exciting from a writer’s point of view, I’m trying to market my already published books.
But you, the readers out there, should be most excited about that. I’m coming soon to your town to sell my wonderful Compleat Gardener series of books. Look for more about book launches here on this site as soon as I’ve firmed up dates and places.
Get ready, cause here I come.