Today I shall write for the sheer joy and pleasure it will bring me and not to produce something grand or even good. Yet every word tends toward order and every sentence speaks discipline and story calls from a very deep place– a lair or cave inside, a dirty, dark and scary place that longs to be sorted out. Procrastination is the name of the giant hideous monster who guards this cave. It is a fearsome creature far too easy to run and hide from and it takes a hobbit of very great courage to confront this beast.
I am hiding from it right now in this glorious feast of words. Sorting out dirty caves is difficult work, lonely work, tiresome work. You think you’ve got it straight and someone comes in and moves things about or tells you you haven’t got it right. And though it’s dark in the cave, you have to agree. Caves cannot be abandoned too soon. They cannot be abandoned until every last treasure has been found and every seam mined of all its gold.
If it weren’t so dark in the cave, it would be easier to work there, but even with the best lamp to guide you, there are still dark corners untouched waiting for you, dark patches unexplored.
But first you must get by the hideous beast of Procrastination.
Good luck.