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Successful launch

MacEwan book launch October 2013 018

It’s great to be back in Victoria after spending a few weeks in Edmonton where I launched by books. If you came out to one of the two events: book signing and reading at MacEwan University Library and book(s) launch at Grace United Church, many thanks for your support. There are still some signed copies of A Garden in the Wilderness available at the office of the Alberta College campus at MacEwan if you want a copy. A special thank you to my daughter Julie Rossignol who played the flute and tin whistle at the Grace launch. Guess you wish you’d gone, eh?

Now that I’m back in Victoria, I am busy again putting the finishing touches on The Missing Pieces of his Silence and looking for a publisher. This evening I am going to a NaNoWriMo bootcamp at University of Victoria with Allyssa Gordaneer as the instructor. I can hardly wait. I’ll let you know in these pages how that goes.

NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, which is in November. Participants must write 50,000 words of a novel during this month. My book Missing Pieces was spawned at NaNoWriMo two years ago. This time I’m going to write a more contemporary novel, although there will be some historical aspects to it.

I’m also looking forward to having a book launch soon for The Compleat Gardener series here in Victoria. Stay tuned for that event.

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