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Surrey International Writers Conference

I just got back from the Surrey International Writers’ Conference and my head is spinning. What a great time we had!

There were inspiring keynote speeches by Robert Dugoni, Anne Perry, Mary Robinette Kowal, Robert McCammon, Robert Wiersema, and Margaret George.

There were practical workshops on making our writing better. I especially remember one on editing with Robert Dugoni where he mentioned you shouldn’t use “there were” a lot.

My very favourite workshop had to be on “Writing Sex Scenes” with Diana Gabaldon. I mean, come on, I have so enjoyed the sex scenes that Diana writes, and there I was, learning from the master. “Mistress” is definitely not the right word here.

I haven’t even mentioned the Blue Pencil workshops with these great writers and others, and the Pitch sessions with agents, editors, and publishers. I came away with the distinct impression that they are hungry, hungry, hungry, so everyone who got a “callback,” get your query letters and sample chapter out there now.

This conference came at a great time for me because November is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers Month). I have signed up to write 50,000 words. Now I’m pumped and ready to go!

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