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The New Future Tense

I have a new book. It’s called House of Crows and tells the story of three generations of Victoria women in the nineteenth century. The youngest is a maid at Point Ellice House in the 1890s.

It was going to launched on June 5, 2020 at Point Ellice House. It was going to be a joint launch with Vanessa Winn who also has a new book set in Point Ellice House. Her book is called Trappings and tells the story of Kate (Work) Wallace whose husband was the first owner of the house.

Now, it might still be launched at Point Ellice House, though the date may have to be changed. Or not. Who knows?

The English language doesn’t really have a future tense to deal with this new reality we are living today, except perhaps “may”. When we say something “will” happen or “is going to” happen, we are generally making an assured announcement.

I recall when I was once teaching English privately to a very devout Muslim woman. I was trying to teach her the future tense, but she would end every sentence with “Inch’Allah,” which means “God willing.” So true, so very true.

I kind of like the equivalent saying in English– “God willing and the creek don’t rise!”

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