It has been a long time since I blogged! I have been busy finishing my final novel in The Pleasure Gardener’s Companion series. It is titled BACK TO THE GARDEN.
It takes place in Nova Scotia in 1795-96, from the time that the Deans’ ship, en route to New York, is boarded by the British and taken to Halifax harbour. It chronicles their first year in the wilderness near Upper Musquodoboit.
In November I sent the first chapter and an outline to a publisher in Ottawa. On January 22nd, the publisher called me and asked me to send the manuscript. After reading it over to make sure there were no glaring errors, I printed it out and shipped it off. I tracked the manuscript and it arrived at the publisher’s on February 1st. So now I am in limbo awaiting his verdict.
Meanwhile, I went to a meeting of the Victoria Writers’ Society yesterday where I got a lot of information on book marketing . My phone conversation with the publisher led me to believe that, if he published, the marketing would essentially be left up to me. I actually have no qualms with that. My plan would be to e-publish the prequels, which the Canadian publisher is not interested in because they are not set in Canada, and market them at the same time.
Wish me luck!